Unlock the power of crochet to express creativity, find catharsis, and make a statement. Drawing from a passion for crochet that began as a hobby during college, our unique crochet patterns and custom-made figurines are infused with a comedic perspective on societal issues, born out of a desire to bring awareness to environmental conservation, feminism, community, and diversity.
Crochet Patterns
Dive into our collection of meticulously crafted crochet patterns, each inspired by personal experiences and social commentary. From quirky characters to thought-provoking designs, our patterns invite you to stitch stories that resonate with your values.
Commission a one-of-a-kind crochet figurine that reflects you and your vision. We bring your ideas to life with yarn and passion.
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Connect with fellow crafters and enthusiasts in our vibrant community. Share your creations, exchange tips and tricks, and engage in meaningful discussions about the intersection of art and society. Together, we can create change, one stitch at a time.
Start Crafting Today:
Browse our collection, unleash your imagination, and join us in using crochet as a medium for creativity, catharsis, and change. Let’s crochet a brighter future together.
The Widow’s Peak -Free Crochet Pattern. Amigurumi Builder Series
Welcome to the Amigurumi Builder series, your go-to destination for crafting adorable crochet creations! Designed to seamlessly complement the Classic…
Squishy Baby Alien Amigurumi Nerdy FREE Crochet Pattern
Need a last minute present? You can work this pattern in about 3 hours! The definitions for all crochet abbreviations…
Cavy Catrina Dia de Muertos Ofrenda Amigurumi FREE Crochet Pattern
This is a crochet piece very close to my heart ♥. The Day of the Dead is by far the…
Lion the lion Nerdy FREE Chibi Crochet Pattern
I’m so excited to share one of my favorite patterns so far! This could be the perfect gift for a…
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